Стив Терада. Биография и фильмография
Титулы в карате (без перевода названий)
U.S. Open, ISKA Musical Forms World Champion
U.S. Open, ISKA Synchronized Forms World Champion
Compete Nationals, Musical Forms Champion
New England Open, Korean Traditional Forms Champion
NASKA Over-All Adult Men’s Forms Champion
Men’s Musical Forms World Champion
Compete Nationals, Musical, Korean Traditional and Grand Champion
Ocean State Grand Championships, Musical, Extreme, Traditional, and Grand Champion
Quebec City Open, Musical, Extreme, Korean Traditional, and Grand Champion
Bluegrass Nationals, Musical, Extreme and Grand Champion
World Series of MA, Musical and Korean Traditional Champion
U.S. Open, Synchronized, Musical and Extreme World Champion
Battleof Atlanta, Musical Champion
Diamond Nationals, Synchronized and Musical Champion
NASKA Over-All Adult Men’s Forms Champion
U.S. Open, Creative, Musical, Extreme, Korean Traditional, Synchronized Forms and Grand Champion, Extreme Kicks Champion
Diamond Nationals, Musical, Korean Traditional, and Grand Champion
Quebec Open, Creative, Musical, Korean Traditional, and Grand Champion
New England Open, Musical, Korean Traditional, and Grand Champion
US Capital Classics, Extreme, Korean Traditional, and Grand Champion
Compete Nationals Traditional, Creative, Musical, and Extreme Forms Champion
Ocean State Traditional and Creative Forms Champion
World Series of Martial Arts, Battle of Atlanta, and AKA Musical Forms Champion
Bluegrass Korean Traditional Forms Champion
March Madness Forms Grand Champion
Las Vegas Internationals Forms Grand World Champion
Las Vegas Legacy Musical Forms, Extreme Kicks, and Grand Champion
Quebec Open Men’s Musical and Creative Forms Champion
Minnesota Diamond Nationals Men’s Musical and Creative Forms Champion
Minnesota Diamond Nationals Xtreme Kicks Champion
Ocean State Musical Forms Champion
Capital Classics Musical Forms Champion
New York Twin Towers Grand Champion
NASKA Men’s Open Forms World Champion
NASKA Men’s Open Forms National Champion
NASKA Extreme Kicks Champion
French Open III Men’s Forms Champion
U.S. Open Men’s Open and Musical Forms Champion
Minnesota Diamond Nationals Men’s Open and Musical Forms Champion
Ocean State Grand Nationals Men’s Open Forms Champion
Battle of Atlanta Men’s Musical and Traditional Forms Champion
World Series of Martial Arts Men’s Open Forms Champion
NASKA Men’s Open Forms World Champion
NASKA Men’s Forms National Champion
French Open II Men’s Forms Champion
San Francisco Nationals Men’s Forms Grand Champion
Minnesota Diamond Nationals Men’s Open and Musical Forms Champion
Washington D.C. Capital Classics Men’s Open Forms Champion
U.S. Open Men’s Open Forms Champion
Kentucky Bluegrass Men’s Open Forms Champion
Virginia World Series of Martial Arts Men’s Open Forms Champion
Compete Internationals Men’s Open and Musical Forms Champion
Oregon Pacific Jewel Men’s Open and Musical Forms Champion
Ocean State Men’s Open Forms Champion
New England Open Men’s Open Forms Champion
Battle of Atlanta Men’s Open Forms Champion
Стал членом национальной сборной Пола Митчела по карате
National Black Belt League Hall of Fame
NBL Super Grands Open Forms World Champion
French Open Jr. Forms Champion
Kentucky Bluegrass Nationals Jr. Grand Champion
Virginia World Series of Martial Arts Jr. Grand Champion
Rhode Island Ocean State Nationals Jr. Grand Champion
IMAC USA World Championships Grand World Champion
NBL March Madness Jr. Grand Champion & Hall of Fame Recipient
Minnesota Diamond Nationals Jr. Grand Champion
Arizona Cactus Classics Jr. Grand Champion
Washington D.C. Capital Classics Jr. Grand Champion
Compete Nationals Jr. Grand Champion
IMAC USA World Championships Grand World Champion
NBL March Madness Jr. Grand Champion
Combastics ASKOT Alpha Adult Forms Champion
Ed Parker’s 36th Long Beach Internationals Jr. Grand Champion
NBL Oregon Double Diamond Jr. Grand Champion
Arizona Desert Storm Jr. Grand Champion
IMAC National Champion, Forms and Musical Forms
Battle of the Desert Jr. Grand Champion
Семинары/лагеря “Creative Forms”, Альбертвиль, Париж, Франция
Лагеря “Extreme Forms”, Эссекс, Шеффилд, Великобритания
Семинары “Creative Forms & Kicks”, Гватемала
Лагеря Пола Митчела All Star/Team, Бостон, Массачусетс
Denver Karate, Денвер, Колорадо
Источник: steve-terada.com
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спасибо за статью…очень интересно
Комментарий от DRON - 01|09|2009 # 16:42
а где нибудь видео ролик можно посмотреть ?
Комментарий от Roman16 - 01|09|2009 # 18:08
На четвертой странице 2 ролика.
Комментарий от EvilDollaR - 01|09|2009 # 18:10
Классное видео! Музыка тоже покорила. В первом ролике Twenty 4 seven - We Are The World, а во втором 311 - Come Original.
Комментарий от Deyman - 02|09|2009 # 20:46
Стив просто молодец. Немногие в такие годы достигли подобных успехов в спорте. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Комментарий от EvilDollaR - 02|09|2009 # 20:51